Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day Two of Insanity

August 14, 2012

So yesterday was the fitness test and I was pretty proud of myself for being able to do all the exercises.  Today was the first official workout day.  Not so proud.....

At about noon today Mike asked me how I felt and I felt great.  About 2 hours later, things began to ache.  A couple hours after that they down right hurt.

I had to show a house prior to my workout.  My buyer is a huge P90X fan and a representative for the company.  He spent about 30 minutes giving me tips and pointers on eating (don't know what made him think I don't know how to eat right...lol) and then tried to get me to skip my workout to go for a drink.  I was very proud of myself for telling the very well built, good looking man that I was choosing the workout over him.  Yay me!

I got to Mike's house ready to go. Pretty pumped up thinking I could do as good as yesterday.  We had a new person join us.  Her name is Peggy. She's more fit than I and a little intimidating.  I started my stretching and visited with her a bit.  Very nice girl.  I decided she could see me flounder around in all my uncoordinated glory.  She would just be one more reason to push harder....

The warm up session had my lungs and legs burning. Did I mention it was just the warm up section?  You know, prior to the stretching and the actual workout.  My already hurting legs felt like they had cement blocks as shoes.  I had to pee about 3 minutes into it (thank God), yes I really did need to pee.  It wasn't an excuse to leave.  I knew during this warm up that I had gotten in over my head and was in trouble.  If I can't get through the warm up without stopping to gasp for oxygen, how was I going to make it 40 minutes?

We finally got a 30 second water break before stretching.  Hallelujah! We got to slow down and stretch. It was at this point that I mentioned to Mike and Peggy that the program stated it was NOT for beginners and I was starting to believe I was a beginner.  Neither one seemed to be as concerned for my well being as I was so I kept going.

The weather was much nicer and cooler tonight and yet I sweat much more than last night.  I was able to do most every exercise, but I didn't make it the entire time for a single one.  I had to stop for air or adjust the exercise to prevent a heart attack.  For instance, there was an exercise that required us to jump up in the air and come down into a squat....over and over and over and over and over and over again.  I had to eventually take it down to just doing the squats.  Although I was unable to keep going at the rate and intensity as the super fit, hard bodied, hotties on tv, I didn't quit.  That, I was proud of.  The fact that I couldn't keep up was very disappointing.  Last summer I was lunging around the track at the Y and loving (well maybe not loving) it. 

It's amazing how quickly we can gain weight and get out of shape and how hard it is to lose the weight and get back in shape.  I'm not going to lie.  I do not like this one bit.  It's hard, it hurts, and it is not helping my self esteem.  However, I know if I don't quit it will get easier, hurt less and make me feel amazing...right?

Tomorrow is all on me.  I have to work in the evening and can't go to Mike's.  I've got the DVD and will have to fit it in sometime during the day.

I did survive day one, but not without a bruised ego and many, many sore body parts.

Now to confess my food intake for the day.  Another way to make myself accountable.

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled and 2 slices fake bacon
Lunch: baked chicken (dark meat), corn and cantelope.
Dinner: Mac and cheese (I know! I was in a hurry to go show homes and I could microwave it)
After workout: Protein bar, colby jack cheese and a 5 crackers
I had 1/2 a Fresca today and the rest of the day was water. 

Goodnight all, It's time to go let this body start healing so I can tear it up again tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fitness Test Insanity Day One

August 13 2012 Insanity Fitness Test

Tonight was the first night of our program.  When I got there I was scared. Not only because I knew it would be hard, but because I was doing it with a male partner.  I had to finally let another person know what my weight was and then had to let him see how little I could do....He was very kind and didn't comment on anything other than to say I did a good job.  Thank you Mike.

I did better than I thought I would.  I was able to do all the exercises except for one. Instead of skipping it, I just changed it to a version I could do. We had to see how many reps we could do of each exercise in a minute...The photo shows the different exercises.  My numbers are NOT the numbers on the sheet.  lol.  Mine are typed below.

Switch Kicks  - 46
Power Jacks  - 30
Power Knees - 50
Power Jumps - 13
Globe Jumps - 5
Suicide Jumps - 7
Push Up Jacks - 15 (I can barely do a real push up so I couldn't do the jack and push up. I did push ups till I failed and then switched to girl push ups)
Low Plank Oblique - 12

By the end of the test (shorter than the workouts), my legs were like jello.  My arms and hands were shaking, I was sick to my stomach and my chest hurt. I drove home, got out of the car and my knees buckled.  I went inside to eat the baked chicken I cooked for dinner and one bite made me wanna throw up.

Tomorrow, I'll eat better and drink a lot of water.  I wasn't near hydrated enough for this test and we were working out in his garage.

Although this was incredibyly difficult, I'm excited to continue and I know the results I want in the short time this program offers is going to be 60 days of hell.

I've gained 15 pounds in about 6 months.  I haven't worked out and stopped watching what I ate.  I ran a 5K last year without stopping to walk.  I know I can do this.....I won't let the stresses of life control my health anymore :-)

If you're still reading, you get to see my number.  I'm going to post my results including my weight. I'll weigh during each fitness test. (I won't post my before pic until the program is done...lol)

Beginning weight is 170 (at the end of the day with my shoes on....lol) Don't Judge! You have no idea how hard it was to publish that number.

Wish me luck and lots of encouragement.