Monday, August 13, 2012

Fitness Test Insanity Day One

August 13 2012 Insanity Fitness Test

Tonight was the first night of our program.  When I got there I was scared. Not only because I knew it would be hard, but because I was doing it with a male partner.  I had to finally let another person know what my weight was and then had to let him see how little I could do....He was very kind and didn't comment on anything other than to say I did a good job.  Thank you Mike.

I did better than I thought I would.  I was able to do all the exercises except for one. Instead of skipping it, I just changed it to a version I could do. We had to see how many reps we could do of each exercise in a minute...The photo shows the different exercises.  My numbers are NOT the numbers on the sheet.  lol.  Mine are typed below.

Switch Kicks  - 46
Power Jacks  - 30
Power Knees - 50
Power Jumps - 13
Globe Jumps - 5
Suicide Jumps - 7
Push Up Jacks - 15 (I can barely do a real push up so I couldn't do the jack and push up. I did push ups till I failed and then switched to girl push ups)
Low Plank Oblique - 12

By the end of the test (shorter than the workouts), my legs were like jello.  My arms and hands were shaking, I was sick to my stomach and my chest hurt. I drove home, got out of the car and my knees buckled.  I went inside to eat the baked chicken I cooked for dinner and one bite made me wanna throw up.

Tomorrow, I'll eat better and drink a lot of water.  I wasn't near hydrated enough for this test and we were working out in his garage.

Although this was incredibyly difficult, I'm excited to continue and I know the results I want in the short time this program offers is going to be 60 days of hell.

I've gained 15 pounds in about 6 months.  I haven't worked out and stopped watching what I ate.  I ran a 5K last year without stopping to walk.  I know I can do this.....I won't let the stresses of life control my health anymore :-)

If you're still reading, you get to see my number.  I'm going to post my results including my weight. I'll weigh during each fitness test. (I won't post my before pic until the program is

Beginning weight is 170 (at the end of the day with my shoes Don't Judge! You have no idea how hard it was to publish that number.

Wish me luck and lots of encouragement.


  1. Insanity is a great program (ive done it and have the swat team do it too) and I will go as far as recommending the shakes at the end of the videos also. I'm proud of you for your commitment to change, consistency is key so stick with it. I'm here to help and encourage, you have my number if you need it. You're a strong woman Barb now prove it to everyone else and become their inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much! That is exactly the kind of encouragement I need. You're the 3rd person to tell me how important the recovery shake is. I'm going to go get it tomorrow. I'm also going to try and get to the store for better veggie snacks.

      I appreciate your support more than you'll ever know!

  2. Way to go Barb! I know you and you're gonna kick this programs Butt!
